Finally A Blog Entry!
I hope that your Lent is off to a good start. As a kid it seemed like Lent was forever—especially when we decided to give up sweets! Now, Lent has become a very busy season but also with great opportunities for spiritual growth. I have always been impressed with the "feast" of Scripture the Church provides for us during this season. The Office of Readings has some challenging readings as well, especially for pastors with St. Augustine' comments about bad pastors who don't properly attend to the flock entrusted to their care. We finished taping a Sacred Heart Radio Book Club yesterday afternoon. It was great to welcome another priest, Fr. James Johnson, the pastor of St. Jude parish in Redmond. We reviewed and excellent book on Lent, 40 Days 40 Ways —A New Look At Lent by Marcellino D'Ambrosio. It is one of the best Lenten resources I have seen in a long time and the appendix has a great preparation guide for Triduum. It was highly recommended by everyone on the...