
Showing posts from March 29, 2013

Discussion on "The Bible" Mini-Series

I watched this video today from the show The Five on the popularity of "The Bible" Mini-Series on the History Channel. I haven't been able to see any of the episodes but see they are for sale now. I thought it was a good discussion on why this is so popular and why Hollywood seldom airs programming like this.

Back in the Podcast Business

I have posted the homily from the Mass of the Lord's Supper for Thursday. I recorded it tonight (Good Friday) as it was bi-lingual and a bit long. It is only in English. I will record the Good Friday homily sometime tomorrow morning and post it. Hope everyone is having a great Triduum.   Here  is the link to my Podcast page.

A Mother's Sorrow

I always view this scene from the 1977 production Jesus of Nazareth  by Franco Zeffirelli on Good Friday. It never fails to get me choked up. I can't even imagine the grief the Blessed Mother felt. I have seen glimpses of it at all of the sad funerals I have had to do for parents who have lost children. I hope that you are having a blessed Good Friday.