
Showing posts from September 25, 2014

Busy Week/Update

I have been enjoying a busy week. What a great way to start with the All Parish Mass and Picnic. A special word of thanks to everyone who came together to volunteer and make it such a great success. I am especially grateful for Tom Gray who came forward to coordinate everything. God has sure been good in providing beautiful weather. Many people were inquiring about a dunk tank:) I didn't miss that contraption for some odd reason.  I am waiting for a piece of equipment to arrive (should come tomorrow) to complete my first videocast of the Pastor's Corner which I blogged about last week. I will try and keep future ones to around 3 minutes but because this will be the first one, it may go a little longer.  Fr. Peter Adoko-Enchill will be leaving our parish for the Grays Harbor parishes on Monday. It has been a great joy to share priestly ministry with him. He will be missed.  We will be welcoming our new parochial vicar, Fr. Ron Knudsen, on Tuesday. It is an incredible...