The Power of Affirmation
Wednesdays are always particularly busy for me since I have part of Mondays and all of Tuesday off. I guess you could say Wednesday is probably more like my "Monday."
I get into the office pretty early on Wednesday and because it is such a long day, I try and take a few hours off in the afternoon to recharge before the Spanish Mass and Prayer Meeting.
Tonight's Prayer Meeting was powerful. Someone in the group, whom I had not met, acknowledged a serious bout with depression. People gathered around this person and began to lift him up in prayer with beautiful words of encouragement and even a personal testimony from another person who has struggled with the same problem.
During the weekend Masses, only a small handful of people stick around to share fellowship with one another. The vast majority of Catholics never step outside of their comfort zone and make it an aim to connect with another person and show an interest in him/her. My whole posting on Facebook on Sunday night was meant to bring up the reality that whenever people come up with some kind of proposal for change in order to build a greater sense of community among the people, it usually always starts with, "Fr. Jim needs to do this or that. I need to add another Mass, announcements from the pulpit, etc. Practically none of the ideas put forth call upon the laity who line the pews each weekend to step out of their own comfort zone to reach out and take an interest in another brother or sister. Until this starts to happen we will never have authentic renewal in our Church.
The Wednesday night Prayer Group is a beautiful and safe place where people really care about each other. Serious problems and wounds are taken to the Lord and people show great compassion and support. A lot of time is dedicated to Praise and Worship, and tonight I thought about how good it feels for me, the creature, to acknowledge the majesty and splendor of my Creator. Someone came by during Praise and Worship and shared an encouraging word for me. My heart was so uplifted as the Lord used this person to minister to me. I have been feeling very tired and pastoring the parish over the last couple of months has been difficult. God is so good! I truly felt the Lord's love and support through the Prayer Meeting this evening.
You can drop in anytime to the Prayer Meeting each Wednesday evening from 7:30PM-9:00PM. It's a powerful thing to see so many people open to the charisms of the Holy Spirit.
I get into the office pretty early on Wednesday and because it is such a long day, I try and take a few hours off in the afternoon to recharge before the Spanish Mass and Prayer Meeting.
Tonight's Prayer Meeting was powerful. Someone in the group, whom I had not met, acknowledged a serious bout with depression. People gathered around this person and began to lift him up in prayer with beautiful words of encouragement and even a personal testimony from another person who has struggled with the same problem.
During the weekend Masses, only a small handful of people stick around to share fellowship with one another. The vast majority of Catholics never step outside of their comfort zone and make it an aim to connect with another person and show an interest in him/her. My whole posting on Facebook on Sunday night was meant to bring up the reality that whenever people come up with some kind of proposal for change in order to build a greater sense of community among the people, it usually always starts with, "Fr. Jim needs to do this or that. I need to add another Mass, announcements from the pulpit, etc. Practically none of the ideas put forth call upon the laity who line the pews each weekend to step out of their own comfort zone to reach out and take an interest in another brother or sister. Until this starts to happen we will never have authentic renewal in our Church.
The Wednesday night Prayer Group is a beautiful and safe place where people really care about each other. Serious problems and wounds are taken to the Lord and people show great compassion and support. A lot of time is dedicated to Praise and Worship, and tonight I thought about how good it feels for me, the creature, to acknowledge the majesty and splendor of my Creator. Someone came by during Praise and Worship and shared an encouraging word for me. My heart was so uplifted as the Lord used this person to minister to me. I have been feeling very tired and pastoring the parish over the last couple of months has been difficult. God is so good! I truly felt the Lord's love and support through the Prayer Meeting this evening.
You can drop in anytime to the Prayer Meeting each Wednesday evening from 7:30PM-9:00PM. It's a powerful thing to see so many people open to the charisms of the Holy Spirit.