Presider's Schedule/Website Changes

Some people have been asking me what happened to the Presider's Schedule link on my website. I deleted it. With the announcement this weekend that Fr. Roger is stepping back from helping at St. Brendan parish, there really is no need to publish a Presider's schedule. I may put a calendar up with the Daily Mass schedule since there are often mistakes in the bulletin and confusion around that. But outside of my vacation time or extra duties which would take me away from the parish, I am going to be the only priest serving at St. Brendan parish.

I am working on some changes with the website. I am now the proud owner of a Mac Mini:) My Mac Pro has been an amazing workhorse for nearly seven years. I haven't had a single problem with it. It is no longer compatible with the newest operating system for Mac and sooner or later I am going to run into problems with my music software. I believe there is going to be a significant update for the Mac Pro in 2013, but I can't see shelling out close to $3,000 for a new one when the Mac Mini can power all of my needs. It's incredibly small but very powerful. I just upgraded the RAM to 16gb. I bought the RAM online and saved about $250. I am not sure why Apple RAM is so expensive. When I went into the Apple Store in 2006 to get more memory for my Mac Pro, the store attendant told me not to buy it from Apple but to go online where I could get it much cheaper. I sure appreciated his tip, although I'm pretty certain Apple wouldn't want its employees to act in that way.

I am slowly transferring files to the Mac Mini and loading new software on it. My IPhoto Library was totally out of control with many duplicates. I am rebuilding it and taking the opportunity to delete the duplicates and get rid of unwanted photos. Until that process is completed, I have pulled the Photo Gallery from the website.

Enough tech talk! Have a great day!


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