Day 7 (Going To Take A Little More Time On This One)

Thanks so much for following us on our pilgrimage to Poland. Thank you especially for your prayers — they are greatly appreciated. What a gift it is to have the internet to stay so connected even though we are thousands of miles away. 

I am going to spend a little more time in prayer and reflection before writing about some of the things that happened yesterday. I would like to write a little more in depth about some of the insights I have received about war, redemption, and the wonderful gift of the Holy Spirit. We will be staying in the same motel the last three nights which should make things less hectic. It's also time to do some laundry or start turning things inside out. 😬

I am feeling incredibly blessed and very grateful to be on this pilgrimage and have been very impressed with the cheerful disposition of the pilgrims and our guide. Things are going very well. 

I know some of you have subscribed to the blog and are getting the entries via email. I am always doing revisions, so if you are able to click on the link and visit the actual blog, you'll get the latest and more grammatically correct version each day. (Which of course with my writing, isn't any guarantee of being completely free from typos and misspellings!)

I'll leave you with a great quote from St. John Paul II on war and a few photos I took yesterday.
Humanity should question itself, once more, about the absurd and always unfair phenomenon of war, on whose stage of death and pain only remain standing the negotiating table that could and should have prevented it.
Chapel of the Passion Kalwaria Zebrzydowska

Church of Kalwaria Zebrzydowska

Church in Wadowice

Panorama of the plaza in front of church and home of St. John Paul II in Wadowice

Statue of St. John Paul II outside church and family home

Church in Wadowice 

Church where St. John Paul II was baptized

An Ursuline Sister from Poland (different order than Ursulines in the U.S.) who gave a talk about the church

Entertainment from local musicians during dinner

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