Great Reflection from The Word Among Us

I wanted to share today's Daily Reflection from the Word Among Us. I thought it was really good. I have been thinking a lot how fear easily creeps into our lives and begins to control us and rob us of the Lord's gift of Peace.

I am busy trying to get everything ready for the weekend retreat. I haven't yet reached the point of "letting go and letting God" but I'm pretty confident it will come sometime today.

Have a great weekend!

The Lord said to Paul, “Do not be afraid … for I am with you.” (Acts 18:9, 10)
Again and again, Jesus tells us not to be afraid. Instead, we should have confidence—not because he guarantees a particular outcome but because he is always with us. He alone can see the big picture, a picture that includes many factors that are hidden from our eyes. For example, Jesus assured Paul that he had many friends in Corinth, just as God told Elijah there were seven thousand other faithful believers in Israel (1 Kings 19:14-18).
So take stock of what makes you fearful today. Then tell yourself the bigger truth.
Are you afraid of losing your job or of not being able to find one? Jesus, the workman, is with you. God is in charge of the world of work. So don’t be afraid!
Perhaps you are afraid you can’t measure up to your spouse’s expectations. Is Jesus, who called you to the Sacrament of Matrimony, still with you? Does God know you and your spouse inside and out? Is he in charge of your marriage? Don’t be afraid!
Are you afraid of losing someone very close to you? Jesus, the friend who sticks closer than a brother, is with you. God is in charge of relationships, even of life and death. So don’t be afraid!
Are you afraid of failing God? Jesus, who overcame the tempter, is with you. God can forgive even the greatest sin. So don’t be afraid!
Are you afraid that your adult child will persist in poor choices? Jesus, who loves your children even more than you do, is with you. God, who is able to bring good out of any situation, has your child’s future firmly in hand. So don’t be afraid!
Are you afraid it’s too late to restore a relationship or move forward in obedience? Jesus, the new beginning and firstborn from the dead, is with you. God isn’t finished with you and his world yet. So don’t be afraid!
Are you afraid of dying? Jesus, who suffered and died for you, then rose from the dead, is with you. God has numbered every day of your life. So don’t be afraid!
“Jesus, I know you are with me today and always. Help me to reject fear and live in trust.”

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