SCRC Convention

I will be leaving this afternoon for the SCRC Convention in Anaheim. SCRC stands for Southern California Renewal Communities. This is a huge gathering of Catholics from all over the country. I last attended this conference nearly twenty years ago while I was in the seminary. I was really impressed by it. I signed up for a workshop with a classmate who doesn't know I am coming. I thought it would be a great surprise to just show up for his workshop.

I will still send out Daily Thoughts while away as I have done a little work in advance. There may also be a blog entry or two about the Convention depending on how much time I have.

It might be considered a sin not to go to Disneyland since it is nearly right across the street from the Convention center. :) I wish Magic Mountain was closer as that would be my preference. They just built the world's tallest and fastest looping roller coaster in the world. I can't wait to try it out but that will have to wait for another time.

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