Great Vacation

My vacation is drawing to a close and I will be boarding a plane to head back to Seattle this evening.

I have had a great time getting tossed about like a salad on some of the best roller coasters in the country. I also had the chance to visit Universal Studios with a classmate from the seminary. It was great to catch up with him and find out how he is doing as the pastor of the Newman center at USC. They have a beautiful church and very nice Catholic Center. He has to continue to find funding to pay for it and is currently in his 9th year there. He was definitely the right pick as he worked in marketing before entering the seminary.

I was going to spend the rest of the day at Knott's Berry Farm but it is very crowded today and very hot! So, I will have a more peaceful day at the beach until I have to return the rental car.

I will hit the ground in Seattle with both feet running as I have a very busy weekend ahead.

I thank the Lord for some needed time away from the parish. I feel ready to jump back in:)

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