Updates Coming!

This has been a very busy summer and I am looking forward to my vacation which will begin a week from today. I will be joining my parents for a fishing trip on Vancouver Island. We won't be returning to Tofino, BC but are going to try a new fishing spot on the north side of the island. 

I have couple of things today I need to tend to but will hopefully find time this afternoon to do an extensive blog. I need to spend some time in prayer and try and figure out how and what to share about a recent presentation I attended. I am going to be making a number of changes to how I pastor the parish with the hopes of applying some clarifications the Lord is giving me on what activities are necessary and which give Him glory and those that are simply distractions from the enemy. Let's just say there are many distractions.

We live in very exciting times and I hope all of my brothers and sisters are taking adequate time for prayer and reflection. The Lord has direction and graces for those who seek Him. Let us not miss those opportunities. We need to be prepared for the changes that are on the horizon. The Lord will provide (as always) but we need to seek Him first and His plans for our lives. Sadly, many souls are lost and distracted. Time to ramp things up and welcome a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit! Or to be more blunt, "bring it on!"

I am going to attend Dwelling Place tonight and I am very excited about that. I believe we need more prayer, encouragement, and support. The enemy seeks to isolate us.  It is crucial that we gather for prayer and support and "encourage one another while it is still today" (Hebrews 3:23).

Please pray for all the people fighting the wildfires and those in the path of the fires.

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