Happy Birthday Grandma Esther! 100 yrs old
On Tuesday I attended Mass in Anaheim to thank the Good Lord for my Grandma Esther who turned 100 years old.
My mom and dad submitted her picture and biography for the Today Show for Willard Scott to acknowledge, but she wasn't included. There was no salute to centenarians on Tuesday. They were included in today's broadcast, but Grandma didn't make it. Darn!
I visited with Grandma over President's Day knowing I would be gone on her birthday. She was in good spirits and is always grateful to have company. My cousins are coming down on Saturday for a more "official" celebration with the family.
The picture below is a recent picture of Grandma Esther. She played tennis and golf into her late 80's and she was an outstanding cook in her day. Even though her memory has deteriorated she still has a great sense of humor and sparkle in her eyes.
My favorite memory of Grandma Esther was how she handled an unwelcome guest in our home. A neighbor cat crawled through one of the basement windows and went around our house early in the morning spraying all over to mark his territory. It even knocked a berry pie off the buffet onto my mom's new carpet. Grandma was staying in my room and I was sleeping on the floor in my brother's room. Our cat, Morris was in the room with us. Morris got restless so I opened the door to let him out. Within a few seconds the two cats got into a fight. Everyone woke up to the horrible noise. Without missing a beat Grandma Esther came charging out of my room with her leopard skin pajamas. She grabbed the metal tube from our vacuum cleaner and started screaming at our unwelcome guest and beating it with the metal tube. The cat finally went out the back door. There was fur all over the living room (mostly Morris' fur) and all of us greatly appreciated Grandma's take charge attitude. This wasn't the first time we had seen it:)
Happy birthday Grandma Esther and congratulations on reaching 100 years old.
My mom and dad submitted her picture and biography for the Today Show for Willard Scott to acknowledge, but she wasn't included. There was no salute to centenarians on Tuesday. They were included in today's broadcast, but Grandma didn't make it. Darn!
I visited with Grandma over President's Day knowing I would be gone on her birthday. She was in good spirits and is always grateful to have company. My cousins are coming down on Saturday for a more "official" celebration with the family.
The picture below is a recent picture of Grandma Esther. She played tennis and golf into her late 80's and she was an outstanding cook in her day. Even though her memory has deteriorated she still has a great sense of humor and sparkle in her eyes.
My favorite memory of Grandma Esther was how she handled an unwelcome guest in our home. A neighbor cat crawled through one of the basement windows and went around our house early in the morning spraying all over to mark his territory. It even knocked a berry pie off the buffet onto my mom's new carpet. Grandma was staying in my room and I was sleeping on the floor in my brother's room. Our cat, Morris was in the room with us. Morris got restless so I opened the door to let him out. Within a few seconds the two cats got into a fight. Everyone woke up to the horrible noise. Without missing a beat Grandma Esther came charging out of my room with her leopard skin pajamas. She grabbed the metal tube from our vacuum cleaner and started screaming at our unwelcome guest and beating it with the metal tube. The cat finally went out the back door. There was fur all over the living room (mostly Morris' fur) and all of us greatly appreciated Grandma's take charge attitude. This wasn't the first time we had seen it:)
Happy birthday Grandma Esther and congratulations on reaching 100 years old.