Rough Waters - Great Fishing
This was the roughest water I have ever fished on. Our guide said 80% of his customers wouldn't have spent the day where we were at. While it was a bit dangerous, our efforts paid off. We caught coho salmon, a chinook salmon, and I landed a 76 lb halibut, and my brother caught a 64 lb halibut.
I am not sure whether we will be going out to the same spot tomorrow and what the conditions will be like but we are off to a good start. Our guide stopped saying the "f" word after he found out I was a priest. I didn't have that effect when we went deer hunting in Alberta:)
I am normally not able access this blog service while we are here because of a restriction they have on the internet system. For some odd reason it is off tonight. This may be the only post while I am here.
The seaplane trip here was amazing! Beautiful scenery. I found out the De Haviland Beaver seaplane we were traveling in was built in 1958! It was freshly painted and ran good. I think we are going out on the same plane.
Time to retire after a long day at sea. The Lord as always blessed the day abundantly. Oh, and I caught the biggest fish! :)